Bourdeilles est une commune du Périgord vert située à 20 km au nord-ouest de Périgueux et à 7 km au southwest of Brantôme.
Country: France
Region: New-Aquitaine
Department: Dordogne
District: Nontron
Canton: Brantôme
Intercommunality Community of communes: Dronne and Belle
Mayor: Nicolas DUSSUTOUR
Mandate: 2020-2026
Postcode: 24310
Common code: 24055
Population: 743 hab. (2017 )
Density: 34 hab./km2
Coordonnées: 45° 19′ 22″ nord, 0°_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_35′ 16″ est
Altitude Min: 82 m
Max Altitude: 192 m
Area: 21.85 km2
In the 10th siècle, establishment and foundation of the four baronies of Périgord : Bourdeilles, Biron, Beynac and Mareuil. But it was not until the 12th siècle that the existence of the village then called Burgus or villa was attested. From the 11th to the 12th siècle, there is a demographic expansion. Around 1259, the fratricidal wars of the Bourdeilles contributed to the demolition of the first castle. In August 1263, the viscount of Limoges Guy VI le Preux died in Brantôme after his failure at the siege of the castle of Bourdeilles.
From 1273, the year in which Edward I of England invested the castle of Bourdeilles, the abbot of Brantôme claimed suzerainty over the seigneury of Bourdeilles. In 1280, the castle became the possession of Abbot Bernard de Maulmont. He then favored his brother Géraud by giving him the castellany of Bourdeilles as a fief in 1283. Imposed as co-seigneur, Géraud de Maulmont built, from 1283, the fortified castle called "new castle". Nevertheless, the old lineage of the barons of Bourdeilles again comes into possession of the barony. A Renaissance-style château was built at the end of the 16th century siècle according to plans by Jacquette de Montbron, wife of André de Bourdeilles, whose family kept the premises until 1672. At the end of the 17th siècle and until the end of the 18th siècle, the barony of Bourdeilles belonged to several families_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136:5cf58c it was not until 1842 that the House of Bourdeille, descendant of the former barons of the same name, bought the Château de Bourdeilles and kept it until the death of the last of them, in 1947.
Places and monuments:
The castle which actually brings together two castles, classified as historical monuments, visitable :
the castle of Bourdeilles, medieval XIIIth siècle,
the Château called the Renaissance Pavilion, 15th siècle
Château des Francilloux, former residence of the Meyjounissas and Boissat de Mazerat families, 19th century siècle
Château de Mazerat, former residence of the Boissat de Mazerat family, 19th century siècle
Château de la Valade, 17th century siècle 18th siècle
Château Étourneau, 13th to 16th centuries siècle
House of the Seneschal, 15th to 17th century siècle, listed as historical monuments
Faurie Manor
Manoir de la Rigeardie and its dovecote
Fonseigner Manor
Parish church of Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens, 15th and 19th centuries siècles with a decorative lantern above the sacristy, resembling a lantern of the dead.
Notre-Dame chapel, 17th century siècle
Former Saint Jean chapel, 15th siècle, today a dwelling house
Old bridge with spouts, 14th siècle, rebuilt in the 18th siècle after the floods of 1735, listed as historical monuments
Well of Fontas : flooded sinkhole.
Prehistoric site of Les Moneries, with the Fourneau-du-Diable promontory, listed as a historical monument, private property
Prehistoric site of the Pont d'Ambon, listed as a historical monument, private property
Trou de la Chèvre cave, listed as a historical monument, private property
Prehistoric site of Bernoux, listed as historical monuments, private property
Cliff of the Forge du Boulou, about thirty meters high, climbing site on the left bank of the Boulou, accessible from below only from Paussac-et-Saint-Vivien.
Natural heritage:
Throughout its crossing of the town, from northeast to southwest, the Dronne valley is classified as a natural area of ecological, faunal and floristic interest (ZNIEFF), combining humidity at a variety of sites which alternate, over successive meanders, shady then bright places as well as steep then flat areas.
Bordering the municipal territory to the west for about a kilometer and a half, the Boulou as well as its valley and its hills form another type I ZNIEFF, presenting an important faunal variety on Bourdeilles and six other municipalities. Many species are found there, among which several are determinant :
a turtle, the Pond Terrapin (Emys orbicularis) ;
mammals: the common genet (Genetta genetta), the European otter (Lutra lutra), the European mink (Mustela lutreola), as well as four species of bats : Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula), Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) and Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) ;
insects : Mercury's blueberry (Coenagrion mercuriale), Sickle's blue (Cupido alcetas), Wild thyme's blue (Phengaris arion), Ringed cordulegaster (Cordulegaster boltonii), Swamp copper (Lycaena dispar) , Checkerspot (Euphydryas aurinia), Common Clubtail (Gomphus vulgatissimus), Judolia erratica, Hooked Clubtail (Onychogomphus uncatus) and Little Marsh Clubtail (Apatura ilia) ;
Amphibians : Midwife Toad (Alytes obstetricans), Common Frog (Rana temporaria), Spotted Pelodyte (Pelodytes punctatus), Green Tree Frog (Hyla arborea) and Marbled Newt (Triturus marmoratus)_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_;
of birds : Dipper (Cinclus cinclus), Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), Long-eared Owl (Asio otus), Rock Sparrow (Petronia petronia), Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius), Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) and Stock Dove (Columba oenas).
Two rare plants : the autumn colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) and the guinea fowl fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris), are also present there. Many other animal and plant species have been identified there : five amphibians, five reptiles, 71 oiseaus, 307_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-584bad_cc78905insects as well as 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_plants.
This ZNIEFF is part of a larger type II ZNIEFF, extended to two other municipalities, thus representing the entire course of the Boulou, from its source to its confluence with the Dronne.